Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Training is officially underway for the Nike Women's Marathon (I am running the half marathon, though I have actually considered running the full) which means lots of alcohol-free Friday nights and early weekend runs. While it sounds crazy to sacrifice certain social activities in favor of hardcore cardiovascular exercise, it feels great to run in the morning around the city. Less touristy, more foggy...and super fantastic.

I admit that I have a certain sweet spot for cute running/workout clothes, especially from Nike. While I don't wear Nike running shoes (sticking to Brooks for now), I am a huge fan of their shorts and jackets. Most recently, I invested in Nike+. "Invested" is probably not the most accurate word, since it implies a high cost and a lot of hassle. So far, it has been very easy! All you have to do is attach a small sensor to your shoe, and one to your iPod. Then you create an account on nikeplus.com.

Today is the first day I'm going to test it out, so I have been poking around on the site and getting my info all set up. I'm already a huge fan, mostly for the following reasons:

1) You can set goals for yourself (based on distance, number of calories you'd like to burn, etc.)
2) Data will be automatically transmitted to nikeplus.com, where your progress will be monitored and aggregated
3) You can challenge friends (maybe you both want to run a certain distance, etc.)
4) No, you don't need Nike shoes; there are many companies that sell clips and shoe wallets to help attach the sensor to whatever kind you wear
5) You can set a "Power Song" for extra motivation
6) During your run, Nike+ will periodically tell you your progress (time, pace, etc.)
7) You can download guided workouts that have music as well as training information from coaches
8) It was only $29

While running is an escape for me (especially after a long day of being chained to a computer), I am looking forward to this little bit of technology to help motivate me and keep me on schedule.

If only it could slap my hand for me every time I eat more of this peanut butter cookie...

P.S. I am looking for Power Song suggestions! If anyone has any they want to throw out there, please let me know!

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